Hello, I am Vita Gong, welcome to visit my personal homepage (VITAGONG.COM). Vita Gong is a qodo person,Zhong-zheng and Ping-he, Qing-xin and Ben-fen. Here you will get a comprehensive understanding of me. My idea, my story, my dream and my life's career.
The meaning of life and the value of life.
I will use the life to explore the meaning of life, harvest the value of life. In my philosophy, I put them respectively defined as spiritual home and the material world.
My spiritual home: the meaning of life.
My material world: the value of life.
I engaged in.
My focus, simple and delicate by way of life, I will find the meaning of life and realize the value of life.
Vita Gong and their personal brand.
VITA GONG, is peaceful, call on duty, resolutely forward via.
VITA GONG, a defined style, by way of the spirit of personal brand, a personal brand advocate humanistic philosophy and life culture.
Thinking and action.
Committed to sustainable business in the future, actively promote good fashion ideas and aesthetic idea and way of life, life culture protection of Chinese traditional culture and value to create a better world, as a high sense of responsibility of individual and corporate citizen specially developed innovative integration via plan.
MW endowment for the arts
Vita Gong culture studios
The Qodo of the future of science and technology